“Sunflower” by Kirk Stansbury, 2024.


Welcome to COOL HAND FRANK. Glad you’re here. I’m glad to be here, I’m glad to be anywhere.

Because we’re bored in our own unique ways, I’m writing, you’re reading. At some point you may be listening or watching.

I’m not gonna sell you anything but my own POV and anyone else’s that is an extension of my own.

You’ll notice too that I’m not posting selfies, stock images, etc. All images are arts and crafts from friends. I’m lucky and blessed to know some super-talented individuals who get the job done and then some. And if you want the real thing hanging on your wall, as part of your wardrobe, etc., you can reach out to them right from this website.

Those last two major points are as close as I’m getting to e-commerce. At least for now. We’re all barraged with enough advertising. I am devoting COOL HAND FRANK as a bespoke visitor experience. I intend to keep it that way.

What will you be reading? Essays, commentary, humor, short story, poetry, even the occasional single sentence or two packed with mental nutrition.

What will I be covering? Anything that interests me. Music, culture, politics, spirituality, business, good eating and drinking, nice clothes, and recipe attempts. That’s for starters.

How frequently? Surely weekly. Hopefully faster.

Let’s get this machine running.